The kids are grown and launched. “Ahh” you say…” it’s time for me” you say. You notice you’re tired, the joints ache and don’t even start with memory. Waking up at 4 a.m. with hot flashes is well, the pits. You might even search for alternative, over the counter, remedies. Often the symptoms are severe enough to seek help from a medical practitioner only to be given an antidepressant. It might even help but does it get to the root cause? No.

Did you know hormone shifts can occur in the mid-thirties of a healthy female? In the past we’ve been told estrogen is “bad” for us…that it will cause heart disease and breast cancer. These theories have been debunked and in fact there are three different type of estrogen known to date. Two of those three types, and testosterone, help prevent memory issues, heart disease, and even protect against breast cancer. With the bio-identical hormones aches and pains are greatly relieved. Restful sleep is restored. Life just feels and looks better!

Menopause is the best time in a women’s life but if her hormones are balanced! - Dr. Pam Smith

Estrogen has over 400 functions in the body:

  • Reduces risk of cataracts

  • Decreases blood pressure

  • Decreases LDL, Increases HDL by 10-15%

  • Helps maintain memory

  • Increases reasoning and new ideas

  • Positive effect on emotions

  • Decreases risk of colon cancer

Aides in decreasing depression, irritability, anxiety, and pain sensation

Now is your time! We can help with hormone testing, bio-identical hormone replacement and intimate health. Call us for more information. We love women's health!